Sunday, December 14, 2014

3 days worth

So, little bit behind. It's been a busy weekend. Also, apparently my blogged got flagged as SPAM so really hoping that's over now. 

Friday I got to spend the day with my friend's kids. I enjoy kids. They're fun, but I'm usually blessed to learn something from them too. Kids see things differently than adults, way less synical and much more enjoyable. Asking a simple question and listening to their reasoning or trying to look through their eyes can give an entirely different perspective. As adults, it's easy to let worries or logic influence our responses, whereas kids don't always have those affecting variables to bias them. We can learn a lot from children if we just listen. 

Then Saturday, while washing towels of all things, the wash machine decides to retire. Luckily, later that night it started enough to drain the water. Anyway, we needed a new machine. Off to Lowes we went. I was not expecting to have a new machine for several days. I was wrong. We were very blessed, two hours after it stopped a new one was purchased, scheduled to be delivered Sunday morning, and we were back home. 

It did come a little later than planned today but it did get here. The machine itself is a blessing. First of all, it has buttons and sings a little song when turned on or off. Also, when it finishes a load of clothes it has another song that sounds like the ice cream truck. I. Love. Buttons. Plus, it's energy efficient, quiet, reduces the necessary amount of soap, and I think the clothes are coming out better. 

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